Healthy routine in retail life (Didn't apply any Medical certificated for 2 years )

 When I was in retail life before, I used to be rewarded with a company voucher end of the year, as my performance don't get any mc (Medical Certificated ). Don't get me wrong I didn't say my previous company did not allow you to get that and have a rest at home, but to take care of your health better. 

Some of my colleagues are taking an mc even though it's not that serious just want to have some fun with friends and don't want to come to work on the morning shift after-party a night before.

I do get sick before, I do but not that serious until I have laid down in bed, taken medicine, and had some rest.  I used to get sick because of food poison where my day off is the next, muscle pain after the team-building games also my day off is the day after and it didn't require me to apply to Mc. How can I maintain my fitness and healthy while working in 2 different shifts? 

Consistent! First, my shift didn't require me to work 10am to 10 pm, only 2 times a month if I have to replace a colleague not able to come to work or short of staff. Second, I do have my own diet, I do take morning smoothing after a 10 km run if I am in the afternoon shift. Not forget supplements such as iron, collagen, vitamin C, D, and Zinc 

If my shift was in the morning, I didn't go run just took a supplement and smoothies. How every time I back from work at 6.30pm I will take a stair to my home where it is on floor 14. My manager was a bit surprised by my fitness level as my age is 39 years, she told the younger staff to follow my fitness routine. Anyway, something happens when I  lost my mom (July 3rd,2019), I got compassionate leave for 3 days based on my company policy when a family member passed away, but the manager offer an extra off day if I need it. Well I didn't  take that offer and  I turn up at the store after 3 days everybody was a bit surprised then and concerned about my emotional stability (they were afraid I will bust into nonstop tears ) 

I do try my best not to show unstable emotions when I'm working, my manager keeps asking my colleagues to monitor me if I'm ok or not. Suddenly I felt sick, even though I don't feel a fever but I do look pale and weak. My colleague inform my manager about my condition and she ask me to see a doctor immediately, took that advice, and went to the clinic during my break time.  When I was meeting the doctor and the doctor I'm asking the reason I'm here, I told him I'm not feeling well, might be a fever than the doctor run a check-up on me.

After a while, the doctor wrote something and stare at the paper for a while and ask.
"Do you been shocked recently?" I was a bit blur and confused by that question. Shocked? I don't think so, I say No. But inform him that my mother just passed away a few days ago.
The doctor nodded and said "You not sick anyway, but shocked" Again, I'm confused.
According to him, I'm not sick but shocked and my body responds based on my emotions. I look at him reactionless. Blur.....
The doctor does not give me any medicine and mc as he was afraid when I am alone, my emotions were more miserable more I'm not sick. He asks me to calm down and relax. When I'm back at my store, my colleagues ask my Mc what medicine I get from the clinic, I say I  don't have it, and the doctor says it is unnecessary. My colleague's face look so confused and asked where the clinic I went to was, I told her what the doctor said, and guess what she was also confused. When she informed my manager, she was also confused! She said, I look pale and weak but according to a doctor I'm not sick just shocked, she try to relate those statements but failed!

After a while, I'm ok and manage through life as normal again even though I miss my mom dearly. I love my job, I do get stressed but  I guess when we like what we do we can manage the stress well. Like we are on the sea-facing a heavy wave, but because we like the beach we manage to surf, right?
However, I do have a list to monitor my routine, and I created a journal for women aged 30 years above to look young and healthy. You can get it on amazon, the link below 


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