Last minute shopping!!!!!!

You've probably heard that announcement before, a polite reminder of the mall's closing time. It means that when you heard that, you should have been getting ready to go home, while we retail worker is prepared to do closing.
Some of you, however, have absolutely NO COMMON SENSE! NOT AT ALL! You will only shop last minute. Using title customer doesn't mean you simply can go and leave anytime! Should I describe it as RUDE! Do you realize that some store employees use public transportation to go home? Sometimes they have to take the final bus. Additionally, they have kids waiting for them at home; some of them have been in the store from 10 am until 10 pm. Do you give it any thought?

Even after the announcement was made, I'm still baffled as to why you went into the shop. If the shop's business hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., then by 9.45 p.m., the staff should start preparing for the closing. Do you realize we have a lot of closing work to do?  Let me list it down for you!
  1. Add up the cash and credit card payments with the sales for that day using the computer.
  2.  Count the stock to confirm that no components are missing,
  3. Replenish the stock
  4. Clean up the fitting room
  5. Send a sales report to the manager 
  6. Update schedule if any changing
If all is well, nothing to worry about. What happens, though, if the system fails? We must manually process cash and credit cards. What if there are any item are missing? To double-check there is no missing stock, we must run the counted stock two to three times. We have filed a police report after determining what is missing (Do you know how long it would take ?)

Every now and again, we leave the mall after midnight. Taking a grab is the only option we have, but it is costly as well. as the midnight charges So. We can't afford to pay the grab and go home late simply to serve you as a customer, so kindly consider other timing Retail workers also have lives and families to care for. If you really want to purchase something and have already heard the announcement, come the following day! Please keep in mind whenever you hear the announcement: "Dear valued customers, our mall will close in 5 minutes. We hope you enjoy shopping at our mall and please come again." Thank you."And GET OUT NOW!

Ps: To know why you can't lose weight please watch this video Why I can't lose weight


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