color ,tone,shade & hue

Suddenly, a customer enters our boutique and asks about a dress in red, "Hi may I have a dress in red please"? As per usual, we are prepared to assist our clients by getting more specific: Do you want a long dress or a dress that is knee length, madam?" She hesitated a little and replied, "Knee-length dress." We showed her two different knee-length dresses in red, each in a different color tone while grinning warmly.

Dress 1
Dress 2
Both are red knee-length dresses, but the difference between them was in the SHADE. I assume she had some sort of function to go to that required her to wear red in order to fit the color theme. She insists on picking the first dress, and when we kindly ask her to try both, she initially declines out of laziness to change. However, after our explanation of the significance of the skin-tone match, she agrees. How many different hue tones are there? For instance, how many different shades of red are there?

Each person has a unique skin tone, and some people appear better in warm colors while others look more dynamic in cool colors.

Regarding that, please take care to consider which color you will look well in; you need to experiment with several colors.. Be careful not to assume that just because your favorite color is green that your favorite hue also happens enhances your appearance, not really. Identifying whether you fall into the warm or cool category is necessary. You might grab someone's attention if you wear the correct hue.

Anyway, that customer eventually purchased the second outfit because it enhanced her appearance, see I told you 


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