The retail life cycle (What you should know before applying for this job)

 Retail employment is frequently viewed as entry-level ones with meager compensation and benefits. However, as more retail firms offer appealing benefits packages to recruit and keep employees, this attitude may be shifting. In this article, we'll look at some of the motivations behind people choosing to work in the retail sector, concentrating on four important perks: high commission, medical and dental insurance, double pay on holidays, and money for working overtime.

Health and Dental Insurance: One of the main benefits of working in retail is having access to health and dental insurance. Many retail firms provide full-time workers with health insurance policies, which is a beneficial perk for people who might not otherwise have access to cheap healthcare. Employees with pre-existing ailments may be able to save money on medical costs thanks to this coverage, which can also provide them peace of mind.

High Commission: The opportunity for the high commission is another advantage of working in retail. Sales-related retail occupations frequently offer commission-based pay, allowing employees to make more money based on their productivity. This can offer a great chance for dedicated people to make a big income and accomplish their financial objectives. The commission system may also serve as a motivator, enticing staff members to put in extra effort and advance their careers.

Double Pay on Holidays: Since it's common for retail workers to be compelled to work on holidays, some businesses decide to offer double pay for these shifts. An employee's income may be significantly increased by this additional payment, particularly during the hectic Christmas/public holiday season when numerous retailers are operating. 


Extra Pay for Working Overtime: Retail workers may also get paid more for putting in extra time. For people who want additional money in order to achieve their financial objectives, this may be very alluring. Given the value of their staff and the fact that working long hours can be taxing, employers who provide overtime compensation reward their workers for going above and beyond the call of duty.

There are various reasons why people decide to work in the retail sector, including the availability of medical and dental coverage, large commission prospects, double pay on holidays, and additional money for working overtime. For people looking for work and trying to advance their careers, retail jobs may be an appealing alternative because of these advantages.

HOWEVER, working in retail can have its difficulties and disadvantages. Cons include, among others:

Working six days a week: This is common in retail occupations, which can be hard for those with additional responsibilities like family, education, or hobbies. Employees may find it challenging to maintain a work-life balance as a result of burnout and exhaustion.

Double Shift: A few retail workers must work double shifts, which entails working two consecutive shifts in a single day. An employee's personal life may also be affected, and it may be physically and mentally exhausting.

Serving Rude Clients: Dealing with rude or demanding customers is one of the most stressful elements of working in retail. Retail staff members frequently serve as the company's public face and are expected to deliver exceptional customer service even to challenging clients. This can be difficult, especially for workers who have hard workloads and long hours.

Long Hours of Standing: It can be physically taxing for retail personnel to be obliged to stand for long periods of time. Additionally to affecting the employee's general health and well-being, this can result in foot and back pain.

       Finally, even if working in retail might have a number of advantages, it's vital to take into account the difficulties and disadvantages as well. Employees in retail positions must be able to handle difficult customers, put in long hours, and still act professionally. Although it is not a career for everyone, those that are up for the task may find it to be meaningful and rewarding.


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